Couple of thoughts before the trip…

So the last time I went on exciting journey it was 2005′. I quit my job flew to Europe and when I got back road tripped from Portland to Las Vegas. The motto was go with out expectation and that the screw ups miss haps and imperfections of the trip were what were going to make the journey interesting. The attitude or the approach worked! It was one of the most memorable trips of my life and in some ways reshaped how I’d go about living the next two years.

Its the night before I’m leaving for Ecuador. I don’t think its quite hit me that I’m heading out for two months, that I quit my job and I’m leaving something important behind…
I’m hoping for good times, have no expectations and I’ve go my fingers crossed…


All the stuff I’m taking on the trip fit in the eagle creek back pack in the upper left corner (thanks mrs. furuya). It all weighs about 37lbs.

future-clays-on-clay.jpg. I
Future site of Clay’s on Clay… requires no additional signage!


  1. Dood,

    Where IS this restaurant?? It’s like it was meant to be!! Someone must have had the same mind as you when they built this place! Anyhow, 37lbs in just one eagle pack, that’s nothing! Happy Travels, my yellow brotha! BTW, aunty daisy just sent me an invite to hong-kong/china I think~ in Nov. Might not join you when you go to the motherland in summertime because my best friend from HS be getting married in FL that time.

    ~A yellow sista

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