Luang Prabang & Luang Nam Tha

After a quick day in Phonsavan it was off to Luang Prabang. Luang Prabang is a really nice town. Once colonized by the French it has some organization to it.  Its kind of touristy but its the main hub in northern Laos.


Main Street


River Boat Cruise


These girls were taking this fish to market.


The night market in Luang Prabang was pretty vibrant


This Elephant lunged at the apple bannana in my hand. 

Luang Nam Tha

Luang Nam Tha is another very small town in Laos. So small that one morning the power went out and didnt go back on till nearly 5pm. I had a feeling that that was a regular occurance. In Luang Nam Tha I went on a really interesting trekk through several hill tribe villages. It was very remote and there were no other tourists the entire time.

I didn’t get a picture of the club but after the two day trekk our guides invited us to go out clubbing. It was quite an experience. It was hot, humid, there were no fire exits but there was a large projection screen on one side with a stage. The club music would pound for a couple of minutes and then the projection screen would change to a Lao or Thai karaoke song. Someone in the crowd would be singing a love song or something slow. This went on all night. Like it was very interesting.


Pictures to follow

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