Bokeo, Houayxai & the Gibbon Experience

After my trek in, I would leave Jin Tong my guide in Luang Nam Tha and head off alone to Houayxai.  Houayxai a small boarder town and the jumping off point for the Gibbon Experience.   The Gibbon Experience was AWESOME.  Don’t go if you’re looking to see Gibbons (or any wildlfe for that matter) go for the amazing views, zip lines and accomidation in the tree houses.


This is tree house number 1. You have to ride zip lines to access the tree houses.


The trip started with a great off road journey from Houazxai to Bokeo.  We had to cross a river in our truck!


It was tough going but these guys got a landcruiser and a toytoa truck through some pretty difficult terrain.  Even the Weasel couldn’t have made it here.


We had 1.5 hour hike to tree house number 1.  This bamboo forest was spectacular.


Great views from the tree houses.  You can hear the Gibbons in the morning.  Our guides choose to drink Lao Lao (whiskey) and smoke our cigarettes rather than take us on the nature hike. 


Tree house number two.  I think the average height was around 50 meters.


Hanging out in tree house no. 5.  The older aussie guy was a bad ass.  He was racing our guides through the forest.


View while on the zip line.


150 Meteres up.  AMAZING


Sometimes you have to pull yourself in.


The tree houses came equiped with running water and toilets.


On the final day the trucks couldn’t make it in to pick us up so it was a 5 hour hike out.  Pretty nice scenery.


  1. Hey Clay…love the photos. That zip thing looks cool. Are you heading to Cambodia? I’m back in Hawaii. Enjoy.

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