Houayxai Airport

Flying out of Houayxai Airport was like taking a trip back into the stone ages.


High Jackers beware! There is Security Control and X-Ray Checks in this airport.


I was informed that if my bag weighed more that 3 stones I would not be able to check it.


Passport control and ticketing.


State of the art waiting room. Oh yeah they’re still waiting for the X-ray machine.


Boarding Gate NO.?


Watch your step as you head down the Jet way.


  1. Hi, where did you book your flight ticket? Im going to Laos in December and Im a bit confused if Houayxai Airport is the one close to the gibbon experience in Bokeo? If you search on the internet for the airport it sometimes looks as if its in the northeast part of Laos. Did you book your ticket online?

    And would you recommend the two- or three day experience?

    Hope your trip is great!

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