Killing Fields

Phenon Phen is the capitol of Cambodia and its a crappy town. However its worth a trip to see the Killing Fields and the Tuol Sleng Museum (the high school where they “processed” all of the people for mass extermination). I didn’t know much about Cambodia’s history but they definitely dropped a notch in my book when I learned just a little bit about the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. Its not often when a countries leaders decide that they want to kill all the educated people and the people actually buy in to it… Of all the things I saw, which were by enlarge cool and awesome, this was the most brutal thing I had ever seen.

A sad reminder. They saved many of the skulls in a stupa.

At first I thought the area had been bombed out and these were bomb craters. They were actually mass graves.  I guess thats why they called them the Killing Fields.

Our guide was just a kid when he had to flee to the country side to avoid execution.


Toul Sleng Museum was a high school which the Khmer rouge used as a processing center. They left it in its raw state which made it even more eerie.

Photos where taken of all of the detainees. It seemed odd that they would go though so much trouble documenting all of the people that they were intending on killing.


Torture room. Think Rambo II.


These are the shackles used to bind the feet.


  1. Hi Clay, How’s your trip going so far? glad to see you made it to Cambodia. Did you travel by river bus yet? I never made it to the Killing Fields. Did you try the coconut bread? Try it. Where are you heading to next? Vietnam? Take care and Be safe.

  2. hey yobo!!! what a co-inki-dink…mike rented and watched “the killing fields” the night before i read you posts.he loved the movie so i made sure that he took a look at your pics too.

    UH is sugar bowl bound. any chances of meeting us in the big easy as part of your round-the-world trip??

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