Hong Kong

So after a brief but very interesting stay in Cambodia it was back to China. Well Hong Kong then China. I flew from Phenom Phen to Bangkok and then to Hong Kong. To save on money I decided that I’d spend another night in the Bangkok airport. Its not the greatest way to travel but… Continue reading Hong Kong

Killing Fields

Phenon Phen is the capitol of Cambodia and its a crappy town. However its worth a trip to see the Killing Fields and the Tuol Sleng Museum (the high school where they “processed” all of the people for mass extermination). I didn’t know much about Cambodia’s history but they definitely dropped a notch in my… Continue reading Killing Fields

Ankor Wat

After a brief stop in Vientiane I was off to Siem Reap and Ankor Wat. Ankor Wat complex was really amazing. I would say this one is one you have to see for yourself, but there were so many tourist there it might almost be better in pictures. The main temple. One of the many… Continue reading Ankor Wat

Houayxai Airport

Flying out of Houayxai Airport was like taking a trip back into the stone ages. High Jackers beware! There is Security Control and X-Ray Checks in this airport. I was informed that if my bag weighed more that 3 stones I would not be able to check it. Passport control and ticketing. State of the… Continue reading Houayxai Airport

Back to Laos- Vang Vieng, Phonsavan and the Plain of Jars

After nearly a two month haitus in Hawaii it was back to South East Asia.  I would fly back through Narita, then to Bangkok and finally back to Vientiane Laos.  After a day in Vientiane and dropping off a bag of stuff that Tu’s family sent back for him, I headed North to Vang Vieng.  Somehow Tu convinced… Continue reading Back to Laos- Vang Vieng, Phonsavan and the Plain of Jars

Helen Kwock Chock

Shortly after I arrived in Vientiane, Laos, I got the call that my Grandmother had fallen very ill.  Fortuantely, I immediately returned home to Hawaii and was able to spend some time with her.  She passed away on Friday June 29th 2007 in the morning. She lived and amazing life…   Helen Kwock Chock 1917-2007

The Cobra Show

One interesting thing Craig and I saw in Thailand was a Cobra show.  At first I was thinking that it was going to be lame… boy was I in for a big surprise.  Now I don’t know what kind of rights animals have in Thailand (I’m thinking none), but a cobra did die during the… Continue reading The Cobra Show


After India it was off to Thailand.  I have to admit that India wore on me towards the end.  The extreme poverty, heat and filth were tough to stomach (literally) for two weeks.  It was a pleasant surprise arriving in Bangkok which is relatively clean, very modern and everything works.  My brother Craig joined me… Continue reading Bangkok