Inca Trail Day 2 & Warmiwasñusca (Dead Womans Pass)

Everyone said that the second day of the trip would be the most difficult.  Our guide Augusto told us to prepare for 3 seasons.  He wasn´t kidding.  The day started out mild.  As we climbed into the mountains it went from misty, to rainy, to cold to warm again as we descended down dead womans pass.   … Continue reading Inca Trail Day 2 & Warmiwasñusca (Dead Womans Pass)

Inca Trail Day 1

The Inca Trail was AMAZING!  Part of it was having three great friends, Jeff, Colin and Kirk along for the fun.  The following pictures just aren´t going to show how beautiful and how incredible the trip was.  You all will just have to experience it for yourselves.  Quatro Amigos… Incans beware! Uhhh no this isn´t gringos getting ready… Continue reading Inca Trail Day 1

Public Bathrooms

In Peru, Ecuador & Boliva, you typicaly have to pay a small amount to use the bathroom.  Typically, its around 50 centavos and in return you get 4 or 5 squares of toilet paper.  The funny thing is that every time I paid I´ve gotten a receipt. We came to the conclusion that they should just… Continue reading Public Bathrooms

I´ve finally come to grips with…

the fact that I can´t see everything.  I´m realizing that trips like this are less about money and more about time.  With that said I´ve discovered that I havent allocated enough time to see everything that I originally wanted to see.  So I´ve decided to cut out Brazil/Rio and Austrialia and New Zealand.  Its tough because… Continue reading I´ve finally come to grips with…


After the Hike the German, the English couple and I decided to stay at Hostel Mama Hilda. The promise of a hot shower was one of the major selling points, in addition it was the first hostel we saw after the hike. It was probably one of the nicest “hostels” I stayed at. The place… Continue reading Chugchilan

The Quilotoa Loop

So after a quick stint in Quito I shot down to Latacunga with a German dude to hike the Quilotoa Loop. It begins in a low transit town called Latacunga where you catch buses to Zumbahua, Quilotoa, Chugchilan and Saquisli. This would turn out to be the most scenic part of the trip. Quilotoa Crater:… Continue reading The Quilotoa Loop