Intra-Continental Road Trip

So here’s the idea. The trip begins with an intra-continental exploration. It’s part necessity and part exploration. The necessity is I need to hand my car off to Charlaine in Austin. The exploration is to get a little taste of Americana before I leave. Maybe stop in a couple diners or sleep under the stars.… Continue reading Intra-Continental Road Trip

Lima Travel Itineraries for Jeff + Colin

Gents, fyi, our itineraries in pdf format. Jeff, I have selected our seats for all segments thanks to advice from [filez:Lima – Alaska_JDD_CMM.pdf] [filez:Lima – American_JDD_CMM.pdf]

Machu Itinerary…and lots of Agency options

Gents, I just outlined our schedule with the info we have to date. It’s listed on the right, under pages, or click here. Also, check the ‘tour agencies’ links on the right sidebar – these are all highly recommended by the Guide Book. They all have “Classic 4 and 5 day Inca Trail” packages.

Machu Picchu Plans

Jeff & Kirk- Colin and I just spent a couple of hours on the phone with the Travel Person with Alaska Air. Getting tickets to Lima is proving to be difficult but we did find one option: March 4th Lan Chille PDX-LAX, LAX- Lima March 10th Lan Chille Lima-Miami March 11th Alaska Miami-Seattle-PDX We got… Continue reading Machu Picchu Plans