
Perhaps one of the most interesting religious sites I’ve been to in the world, Bodhgaya is Buddhists paradise.  Bodhgaya is acknowledged as the place where Prince Gautam Siddhartha found enlightenment and became a Buddha.  After every tour me and Norman kept saying “this is enlightening”

Norman and I had a long car ride from Varanasi to Bodhgaya.  When we arrived it began to rain monsoon style.  I think we were both a little concerned that the monsoon season had arrived and it was going to “rain out” the trip.  We were VERY fortunate that the it was just a passing down pour.


Mahabodi Temple at Bodhgaya.


Me and Norman infront of the Bodhi tree.  The existing Bohi tree is a baby of the original Bodhi tree.  Legend has it that the wife of King Asoka killed the original Bodhi tree.  Fortunately, King Asoka’s daughter was able to save a sappling and escape to Sri Lanka. 


Me and some Monks under the Bohi tree.  The Monk with the glasses gave me a dried bodhi leaf (you can see it in his hands).


Me “meditating” with some Monk kids.


Norman getting a dissertation on Buddhism from our Monk friends.


The Temple at night.


This Cobra was said to have protected Buddha during a storm.


Brick walk way anyone? This is brutal work.


Huge Buddha.  When I buy a house I think I’ll need one of these babies in my back yard.


Japanese Buddhist Temple in Bodhgaya.  Norman and I went for morning meditation.  They said it was twenty minutes but it felt more like ten. 


Moon over Bodhgaya.  Buddha was said to have found enlightenment on the full moon in May.  I guess we missed it.

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