Hong Kong

So after a brief but very interesting stay in Cambodia it was back to China. Well Hong Kong then China. I flew from Phenom Phen to Bangkok and then to Hong Kong. To save on money I decided that I’d spend another night in the Bangkok airport. Its not the greatest way to travel but it saved me two cab rides and a nights accommodation.

Me at Victoria Peak. An intersting thing about Hong Kong is that for a city of 5 million it has managed to maintain suburban sprawl. If you look to the other side of Victoria Peak there is a huge undeveloped park.

Hong Kong is dense. It felt like a less ethnically diverse Manhattan (Chinese people everywhere). I will never forget riding the subway into town and upon surfacing at Causway bay, the flood of people scurrying around.

Out side of Causway bay station Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a humid city. I was dripping with sweat just walking a couple of blocks to the hostel.
9pm on a Tuesday night Causway Bay Station.

The Hong Kong Light show. The buildings light up and flash to music. Every city needs to do this… Yeah right.

I was really impressed when I saw the Norman Foster and I.M. Pei buildings in Hong Kong. I’ve seen tons of pictures of these buildings in books and magazines and thought that they were cool but not amazing. In real life you see the level of detail and innovation that just isn’t captured in photos.

HSBC building.
I never thought I’d say this but this atrium is really cool. I could only blast off a few pictures before security escorted me out.

The Bank of China building by I.M. Pei.

The longest escalator/people mover in the world!

I also had a surprise visit from Tu in Hong Kong. He and Kaying were traveling through southern china and we meet up for drinks. It’s always nice to see a familar face in a foreign country. We unfortunately forgot to take a picture but he was wearing the Pele shirt gifted to him by the Monacos!

Hong Kong was one of the most interesting cities I’ve been to to date. If I were going to try and find work internationaly it would be in the top 5 of cities worth checking out.

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