Intra-Continental Road Trip

So here’s the idea.

The trip begins with an intra-continental exploration. It’s part necessity and part exploration. The necessity is I need to hand my car off to Charlaine in Austin. The exploration is to get a little taste of Americana before I leave. Maybe stop in a couple diners or sleep under the stars. It might also, be cool to visit some places/cities I’ve never been to like Sedona, Taliesin West, El Paso, Dallas and Austin before I leave. Finally, I desparately need to spend some time preparing for the trip mentally. I’ve been so busy with work trying to complete the “M” resort pricing package, all my time has been figuring out “how” rather than pondering “why” the trip was to happen.

Feb 13th Last day of work. Leave for Phoenix. Spend the night in Phoenix and in the morning take a tour of Taliesin west.
Feb 14th arrive in El Paso.
Feb 15th arrive in Dallas. Spend day and evening with Allen and Sara (old roommate and coworker)
Feb 16th arrive in Austin. Spend day and evening with Charlaine (sister)
Feb 17th fly to SF. Spend day evening and weekend with Kimi (CGITEU).
Feb 20th fly to PDX. Spend week in PDX with Colin/Jeff/Joe. Get Blog up to date and do final prep for Machu Picchu/Galapagos
Feb 26th fly back to SF.
March 1st (my sister B-day) Leave for Quito. Then figure out some way to get to Cuzco.
March 14th – 19thst meet kirk/jeff/colin in Lima Peru Then travel south through Chille in to Argentina back up through brazil and then back into Ecuador .
April 14th meet Joe in Guayaquil. Fly to the Galapagos and get on a boat.
April 26th Return to San Francisco


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