Kushinagar, Lumbini, Lucknow & Ronin

After traveling through Patna (a forgettable place) we were off to Kushinagar and Lumbini.  Kushinagar is the site of Buddha’s passing and Lumbini (in Nepal) is the site of Buddha’s birth.  Both were very unforgettable.



Stupa commemorating the site of Buddha’s death.  There is actually another stupa directly behind this stupa that is said to be the actual location of Buddha’s ascension.


Reclining Buddha in the stupa.  They say you can see 3 different faces as you move around the statue.  Sleeping, meditation and smiling.  You’ll have to go see for yourself if it’s true or not.


This is the site of Buddha’s cremation.  Its right down the road from the reclining Buddha.  Anyway, our guide was explaining how when Buddha died everyone wanted a portion of his ashes.  So it turns out that eight places were designated to get an equal share of the ashes.  I guess our Ganu was right in Vaishali, one eigth.


Okay I’ve heard both sides of the argument now.  India claims that Buddhism started in India or more specifically Bodgaya.  I’ve heard from many others that Buddhism started in Nepal or Lumbini to be more specific.  India argues that Buddha was just another dude until he sat under that tree and his birthplace was not important.  Others just say Buddha was born in Nepal, the lotus flowers sprang up and there you go it started there.  I think I’m siding with the Indians on this one.


Welcome to Nepal! **Warning**  Right after we got our exit stamps to enter Nepal we were approached by a man who said, “ Your guide called me and told me to tell you that you need to change all or our Rupees to Nepalese currency.”(in an accent of course)  He showed us a sign that said it was illegal to carry the money out of the country.  Do not believe him.  It’s a scam.  Our guide never called him. You can take the money out and Rupees are preferred.


The urban plan of modern Lumbini was done by none other than Kenzo Tange.  I think the grounds are still under construction.


Pillar commemorating the spot of Buddhas birth. 


Site of Buddha’s birth.  They said seven lotus flowers sprang up when he popped out.  I wonder what sprang up when I was born….


This was our bicycle rickshaw driver and his brother.  Poor guy was struggling with me and Norman in the back.  Norman and I were indulging in the numerous all you can eat affairs offered for breakfast and dinner out our hotels.  Needless to say we had to get out and walk a couple of times.



When in Rome do as the Romans.  Did I mention that I was going to Rome later this year?  Togas!


Me and Ganu.


The Lucknow Bus Station.  Cleaner and less crowded the the Delhi train station.


What Indians can carry will never cease to amaze me.

Always Check Your Itinerary!

So there was a little mix up.  Norman was supposed to fly out at 12:45am the following day.  Well that’s how we read it.  Norman, myself and our travel agents all psychologically added one day to the itinerary when actually he left the night that we arrived in Lucknow.  Luckily, our local guide identified the mistake picked us up at the train station and proceeded to “get” us to the Airport in Delhi rush hour traffic.  It was one of the most amazing car rides that I’d ever been on.  It felt like a scene in the Matrix or Ronin.  Dodging through traffic, high speeds and travel the wrong direction on city streets.  I wish I took a video or even a picture to capture the pure magic of the moment.  Norman arrived 45 minutes before his flight.  We waited and waited.  I think he made it.


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