Machu Picchu, Intipunku & Huayna Picchu

The day we had been waiting for had finally arrived, Machu Picchu.  Everything, we had seen so far was so spectacular it was hard to imagine that Machu Picchu would be able to top it but it easily did.  The ruins were in spectacular condition and Huayna Picchu was truly amazing.  There was some fear that the rain would not subside.  Again we got very lucky. The weather was beautiful and warm for our day at Machu Picchu.

We woke up at 4:30am to get a jump start on the other groups to Machu Picchu.  Kirk and I were up early and were happy to wake the rest of our neighbors up. Following breakfast we cued up at the park gate.  After a 15 minute wait in compete darkness the park gates were open for the “sprint” to the Intipunku.  Hiking into Machu Picchu in the dark is some what mysterious.  Its well worth it and you beat the hordes and hordes of people coming from Cuzco by bus. 


View of Machu Picchu from the Intipunku or the Sun Gate.  You really don´t get to see the sun rise here unless you are here for the Spring and Fall Equinox.  Apparently, Macchu Picchu is very popular around the Equinoxes and Solstices.  Those Incas really dug the sun.


Llama… Our guide Augusto said they added these llamas along the way for some ambiance. 


The trail into Machu Picchu is in pristine condition.


Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu.  Pretty Awesome if you ask me.


I think this is Machu Picchu the Mountain which is different than Machu Picchu the place.  Still pretty cool looking.  The Urubamba river winds below.


This is your classic view if Machu Picchu.  You have to get you picture while you can because the clouds move fast.  You can see the mist rising off to the right.


We finally made it!  And yes Colin and Jeff color coordinated their outfits each day.


If I didn´t mention this earlier the Incans took pride in their stone work.


The Stone work was much more intricate around areas that were sacred.  For example the Temple of the Sun is on the Left and a regular wall is on the right.


An impressive lintel.


Team Angel Trumpet at Machu Picchu.  Great group to do the trip with.

Huayna Picchu

Before leaving for the trip Kam Monaco took me over to talk to the Clowards who had just gotten back from Machu Picchu and the Galapagos.  They said climbing up Huayna Picchu was a must do.  When people asked me if it was difficult I told them that I knew 17 & 18 year old girls who “just did it” it should be no problem.  Easier said than done.


Before you start on the trail they want you to do a few things.  Item one is to check that your heart is in good operating condition.


Huayna Picchu was the steepest climb we saw the entire trip.  One hour up and one hour down.  I remember seeing about 30 Japanese tourists in their mid 50´s and 60´s preparing for the climb up Huayna Picchu.  I thought to my self there is no way they are making it up this.


It literally feels like you are going straight down.  The quote of the day was when Talia looked back at me and said “This is really scary!” 


Obviously the views were spectacular when we got to the top.  We had a 360 view of the entire valley all to ourselves.  10 minutes later the old Japanese ladies made it to the top.  I was blown away as they climbed up the ladder.


Me at the very top of Huayna Picchu.  I think it was even more spectacular than Machu Picchu. 

Many more pictures are available at my web based image site:



  1. hi! how are you doing?!. I wa surfing the web and I found your site, i saw your pictures, and its amazing the fact that you know more of my country, than me!!!. You made a really good trip, you visited all the important points of the country, and i like the pictures!. I dont know that I have all those things near home!. jajaja!… well if you want you can visit my site!, or add me in facebook, my name is sabrina rod. atemian. kisses!.

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