Machu Picchu Plans

Jeff & Kirk-

Colin and I just spent a couple of hours on the phone with the Travel Person with Alaska Air. Getting tickets to Lima is proving to be difficult but we did find one option:

March 4th Lan Chille PDX-LAX, LAX- Lima

March 10th Lan Chille Lima-Miami

March 11th Alaska Miami-Seattle-PDX

We got disconnected with the sales rep. and I think the phone lines went down right after, so we were unable to get the exact times. These are business class tickets at 75,000 miles. If you look at the calendar days it would be MUCH better if we could extend the trip by one day. Leaving Lima on the 11th and getting back to PDX on the 12th rather than the 11th. Remember that there is going to be some travel time between Lima and Cuzco. We need to discuss the times ASAP.


  1. This option seems to be the best, after Clay and I spent a couple hours on the phone with the agents. Like Clay said, we got cut-off unexpectedly right before we confirmed the flights. Only minor bummer with this itinerary is Dubin and I would need to stay the night in Miami on the return leg. But, I know someone in Miami – Sara’s cousin Rachy Coady who is easily one of the coolest chicks I have ever met. She would certainly show us around town and might let us chill at her crib that night. Gents let’s get this shit settled asap. PS, Kurt we tried to conference you this morning but no-one picked up. Pls comment with your phone no. Cheers, c to tha moan eh

  2. Clay,

    Did you see the movie An Inconvenient Truth?
    I just saw the trailer and have it coming via Netflix..
    Showed a pic of Patagonia 10 years ago and another pic today. There is a dramatic difference in the snow levels. It is a documentary featuring Al Gore, so take it for what it is, but very interesting.


  3. Good luck for your trip! i know that you are wishing it since a lot of time!! so.. now you are in the road!!enjoy it and have fun.
    by the way.. have you seen Motorcicle’s diaries?? haha

  4. looks like everything is coming together! very impressive! did you get the travel bags? have fun and be safe! i’ll meet you somewhere!

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