So its done

Just finished the walk through at my old house, my stuffs packed up at Ryans and Joe’s, the cars packed with my suitcase and my backpack and I’m ready to hit the road to Austin Texas. A couple of thoughts, whoever said moving takes twice as long as you think, is right…. and closing down your life for six months takes a LOT of work.

Thanks to everyone who came over for empanadas, tacos and vino. Esp. Jim/Georgia Cox, Todd/Amy/Cole and of course the Argentineans.

First stop Taliesin West!


  1. clay….email me. I want to know your schedule in Peru. Looks like I’ll be going in early april. wanted to know when you are leaving s.america. hope we can meet up. have a great trip. Holly

  2. Darwin will likely roll over in his grave when the C-Dog finally arrives in the Galapagos . . . it will be like evolution in reverse. The big sea turtles will be staring at you thinking, “Surely we are higher up on the evolutionary scale than that guy.” Imagine if you show up drunk (actually, I can only imagine you NOT drunk).
    I just glanced over Quito with my 7th graders. Who knew that it held such intrigue. Continue to enlighten us with your insights.
    Hope things are going well. This was a great idea that you had, and the fact that you are actually doing it gives hope to the rest of us whose lives are, essentially, over. I live through you for the next six months, compadre. Make it memorable.

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