The Cobra Show

One interesting thing Craig and I saw in Thailand was a Cobra show.  At first I was thinking that it was going to be lame… boy was I in for a big surprise.  Now I don’t know what kind of rights animals have in Thailand (I’m thinking none), but a cobra did die during the photography for this blog. 


The Cobra show!


Man v. Cobra


They milked the Cobra after he caught it to prove that Cobra was deadly and not defanged.


They said it was good luck to touch a Cobra. I think Craig took it a little too far.


Cobra v. Mongoose.  Lets put it this way the Cobra didn’t last 5 minutes in there.


At the end of the show, the main guy had to capture 3 snakes at once.  Please note that there is a snake in his mouth.

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