The Road of Death – La Paz

Its going to sound stupid but one of my personal highlights of La Paz was Mtn Bike riding the “Road of Death” from Cumbre to Corico.  At first it was a “Say I did it” kinda thing but it turned out to be a great way to see the lush beautiful side of Bolivia.  We started at 4,700 meters in the cold Mountains and descended to just below 2,000 Meters into a warm jungle. 


4,700 Meters.  According to the Lance Armstrong Altimeter, we were higher than the Matterhorn (not the one at Disneyland)


They provide you with all the gear Helmet, Gloves, Bike, Shorts, Jersey & Jacket. 


If you look closely you´ll notice that the phone number to the ambulance is painted on this rock… Thats always reassuring.


So they didn´t tell this to us before the trip but and Isreali had just died two weeks prior on the trail.  Okay so they also didn´t mention that the guy died with MY TOUR GUIDE!  YIKES!  If you look closely there is an Isreali flag hanging off the cliff.


Notice a change in scenery?  It was freezing in the morning and very humid and hot when we got to 2,000 meters.


All the tours end at the Esmerlda Hostel in Coroico.  Its really beautiful… well except for the gnats that ate me alive.

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